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Spantik (7027-M)

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+92 312-5858599


Tour Background:

Nestled amidst the rugged terrain of the Karakoram Range in Pakistan, Spantik, also known as Golden Peak, is a mesmerizing sight to behold. Its snow-capped summit and jagged peaks attract mountaineers from around the globe seeking the ultimate challenge. Our expedition begins in Islamabad, where we’ll soak in the vibrant culture and hospitality of Pakistan before making our way to Skardu, the gateway to the Karakoram. From there, we’ll embark on an exhilarating trek through picturesque valleys, remote villages, and pristine glaciers, ultimately reaching the base of Spantik.


Day 1Arrival in Islamabad

  • Welcome to Islamabad, the bustling capital city of Pakistan.
  • Transfer to your hotel and relax after your journey.

Day 2Islamabad to Skardu

  • Catch an early morning flight to Skardu, the gateway to the Karakoram.
  • Arrive in Skardu and acclimatize to the altitude.
  • Explore the local markets and soak in the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

Day 3-5Trek to Base Camp

  • Begin the trek to Spantik Base Camp, traversing through rugged terrain and alpine meadows.
  • Set up camp along the way and acclimatize to the high altitude.
  • Marvel at the majestic beauty of Spantik as we approach Base Camp.

Day 6-15Summit Attempt

  • Commence the ascent of Spantik, navigating through challenging terrain and icy glaciers.
  • Establish high-altitude camps along the route and acclimatize to the thin air.
  • Push towards the summit with the guidance of our experienced mountaineering team.
  • Reach the summit of Spantik and bask in the sense of accomplishment as you gaze upon the panoramic views of the Karakoram Range.

Day 16-20Return to Skardu

  • Descend from the summit and trek back to Skardu.
  • Celebrate our successful expedition with a traditional dinner and cultural festivities.
  • Reflect on the incredible journey and the memories we’ve created along the way.

Day 21 Skardu to Islamabad

  • Bid farewell to Skardu as we catch our flight back to Islamabad.
  • Spend our last evening together, sharing stories and reminiscing about our adventure.

Day 22Departure

  • Transfer to Islamabad International Airport for your onward journey, carrying with you the memories of a lifetime and the sense of achievement from conquering Spantik.

Terms and Conditions:

Embarking on an expedition to Spantik requires careful planning and preparation. Here are the terms and conditions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants:

  • Health and Fitness: Participants must be in good physical condition and capable of enduring the challenges of high-altitude trekking and mountaineering.
  • Equipment and Gear: Each participant is responsible for bringing their own personal gear and equipment, including appropriate clothing, footwear, and mountaineering gear.
  • Safety: The safety of our participants is our top priority. Our experienced guides will provide expert guidance and support throughout the expedition to ensure a safe and successful summit attempt.
  • Environmental Responsibility: We are committed to preserving the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Karakoram. Participants are expected to adhere to Leave No Trace principles and minimize their impact on the environment.
  • Insurance: Participants are required to have comprehensive travel insurance, including coverage for medical emergencies, evacuation, and trip cancellation.
  • Payment and Cancellation: A non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place on the expedition. Full payment must be made prior to departure. Cancellation policies apply, and refunds may be subject to certain conditions.

Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime and conquer the heights of Spantik? Join us on this epic journey and experience the thrill of high-altitude mountaineering in the heart of the Karakoram Range. Book your expedition today and make your dreams a reality!



What is Spantik?

Spantik, also known as Golden Peak, is a mountain located in the Karakoram range of Pakistan.

Where is Spantik located?

Spantik is situated in the Nagar Valley of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

Is Spantik suitable for trekking or climbing?

Yes, Spantik is popular among climbers and trekkers for its relatively accessible routes and stunning views. It offers both trekking and climbing opportunities.

What is the difficulty level of climbing Spantik?

Climbing Spantik is considered moderately challenging. It requires technical climbing skills and experience at high altitudes.

Are there any notable features or landmarks near Spantik?

Yes, Spantik is surrounded by several other notable peaks in the Karakoram range, including Malubiting, Ultar Sar, and Rakaposhi. Additionally, the surrounding landscapes offer breathtaking vistas and diverse flora and fauna for nature enthusiasts.

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