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Shandoor Polo Festivals

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Nestled amidst the majestic peaks of the Himalayas lies a cultural extravaganza unlike any other – the Shandoor Polo Festival. This annual event, held at the highest polo ground in the world, promises a mesmerizing blend of adrenaline-pumping sportsmanship, vibrant cultural displays, and breathtaking natural beauty. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the allure of this Himalayan spectacle and delve into the details of what makes it an experience of a lifetime.

Tour Details

The Shandoor Polo Festival takes place at Shandoor Pass, located at an altitude of over 3,700 meters above sea level, between the Chitral District and the Ghizer District in Pakistan. This high-altitude plateau serves as the stage for a thrilling polo tournament that attracts teams from across the region, as well as a myriad of spectators eager to witness the action. The festival typically occurs in July and offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich cultural heritage of the region while marveling at the breathtaking vistas of the Himalayan landscape.


Day 1Arrival in Islamabad

Your journey commences with your arrival in Islamabad, the vibrant capital city of Pakistan. Our representatives will warmly welcome you and assist with your transfer to the hotel, where you can unwind and prepare for the adventures that lie ahead.

Day 2Islamabad to Gilgit

After breakfast, we embark on a scenic drive to Gilgit, the gateway to the majestic Karakoram Range. En route, soak in the picturesque vistas of the winding mountain roads and quaint villages dotting the landscape. Upon arrival in Gilgit, check into your hotel and spend the evening exploring the local markets and sampling delicious cuisine.

Day 3Gilgit to Shandoor

Today, we continue our journey towards Shandoor, traversing through awe-inspiring mountain passes and pristine valleys. Arriving at Shandoor Pass, you’ll be greeted by the electrifying atmosphere of the polo festival grounds. Witness the opening ceremony, featuring traditional music, dance performances, and the grand procession of polo teams.

Day 4-5Shandoor Polo Tournament

Prepare to be enthralled as skilled polo players from across the region showcase their prowess in the world’s highest polo tournament. Cheer on your favorite teams as they compete amidst the breathtaking backdrop of snow-capped peaks and azure skies. In between matches, explore the festival grounds, interact with locals, and indulge in delicious Himalayan cuisine.

Day 6:Return to Islamabad

As our time at Shandoor comes to an end, we bid farewell to this Himalayan paradise and begin our journey back to Islamabad. Reflect on the unforgettable memories made during your time at the festival as we traverse through the scenic landscapes once more.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Booking: To secure your spot on the Shandoor Polo Festival trip, a non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking.
  • Payment: Full payment must be made prior to the departure date. Payment plans may be available upon request.
  • Cancellation: In the event of cancellation, refunds are subject to the terms outlined in our cancellation policy.
  • Travel Insurance: It is strongly recommended that all participants obtain comprehensive travel insurance to cover any unforeseen circumstances.
  • Health and Safety: Participants are responsible for ensuring they are in good health and fit to travel. Any medical conditions or dietary requirements should be communicated prior to the trip.
  • Itinerary Changes: While we endeavor to adhere to the proposed itinerary, unforeseen circumstances may require adjustments to be made. Flexibility and understanding are appreciated from all participants.


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What is the Shandoor Polo Festival?

The Shandoor Polo Festival is a traditional event held annually in the Shandoor Pass area of Pakistan. It celebrates the sport of polo and showcases local culture and traditions.


When does the Shandoor Polo Festival take place?

The Shandoor Polo Festival usually occurs in early July, spanning several days of festivities, polo matches, and cultural performances.


How can I get to the Shandoor Polo Festival?

The Shandoor Pass is accessible by road, but reaching the festival site may require trekking or using local transportation due to its remote location in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.


What activities can I expect at the Shandoor Polo Festival?

Visitors to the Shandoor Polo Festival can enjoy watching thrilling polo matches between teams from different regions, as well as cultural performances, traditional music, dance, and local food stalls.


Is accommodation available during the Shandoor Polo Festival?

Yes, accommodation options such as tents, guesthouses, and campsites are typically available for visitors during the festival. It’s advisable to book in advance due to the high demand during this time.

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