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Nangma Mountains

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Nestled amidst the rugged beauty of the Himalayas lies a hidden gem waiting to be explored – the Nangma Mountains. Rising majestically with peaks reaching heights of over 7,000 meters, this remote and pristine region offers a haven for adventurers seeking the ultimate thrill of high-altitude trekking. Join us as we unveil the secrets of the Nangma Mountains, presenting a captivating blend of tour background, exhilarating itinerary, and essential terms and conditions.


The Nangma Mountains, situated in the breathtaking Karakoram Range, boast an array of towering peaks, including the iconic Nangma Valley. Named after the Tibetan word for “hidden treasure,” this remote wilderness is a sanctuary for mountaineers, offering a myriad of challenging routes and awe-inspiring vistas. With its rugged terrain, glaciated valleys, and rich cultural heritage, the Nangma Mountains beckon adventurers to embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery.


Day 1 Arrival in Islamabad Day

Day 2 Islamabad to Skardu Day

Day 3 Skardu to Askoli Day

Day 4-7 Trek to Nangma Valley Base Camp Day

Day 8-18Exploration and Summit Attempts

Day 19-21 Descent to Askoli and Return to Islamabad

Terms and Conditions:

Physical Fitness: Participants must undergo a medical examination to ensure they are physically fit for high-altitude trekking.

Experience: Prior trekking experience in remote mountainous regions is recommended.

Equipment: All participants must carry appropriate trekking gear, including sturdy boots, warm clothing, and sleeping bags.

Environmental Conservation: Respect for the environment is paramount. Participants must adhere to Leave No Trace principles and follow the guidance of experienced guides.

Weather Conditions: The itinerary may be subject to changes based on weather forecasts and conditions.

Embark on this extraordinary journey with a reputable tour operator, equipped with experienced guides, comprehensive logistics, and a commitment to safety. Prepare to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Nangma Mountains, where every step reveals a new vista and every summit offers a glimpse of the heavens.



What are the Nangma Mountains?

The Nangma Mountains are a range located in the Karakoram region of Pakistan, known for their stunning beauty and challenging peaks.


How high are the Nangma Mountains?

The Nangma Mountains boast several peaks over 7,000 meters (22,966 feet) in height, with some towering over 8,000 meters (26,247 feet) above sea level.


What is the best time to visit the Nangma Mountains?

The ideal time to visit the Nangma Mountains is typically during the summer months, from June to August, when the weather is relatively stable and trekking conditions are favourable.


Are there any trekking routes or trails in the Nangma Mountains?

Yes, there are several trekking routes and trails in the Nangma Mountains, ranging from moderate to challenging. These routes offer adventurers the opportunity to experience the breathtaking landscapes and remote wilderness of the region.


Is it necessary to have prior trekking experience to explore the Nangma Mountains?

While prior trekking experience is beneficial, there are routes in the Nangma Mountains suitable for beginners as well as seasoned trekkers. However, it’s important to be adequately prepared for the altitude and weather conditions.

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