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Gondogoro Peak 5748m 

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Embark on a thrilling journey to the majestic heights of Gondogoro Peak, standing tall at an impressive 5748 meters above sea level. Situated in the heart of the Karakoram Range, this expedition promises an unforgettable adventure for mountaineers seeking a challenge amidst breathtaking scenery. Let’s dive into the tour background, itinerary, terms and conditions, and frequently asked questions to prepare you for this epic adventure.

Tour Background:

Gondogoro Peak, nestled within the rugged terrain of the Karakoram, offers a formidable yet rewarding climb for experienced mountaineers. The journey to its summit is adorned with awe-inspiring glaciers, towering peaks, and panoramic vistas that will leave you spellbound. This expedition is not just about reaching the peak; it’s about embracing the raw beauty of the Karakoram and testing your limits in the world of high-altitude mountaineering.


Day 1Arrival in Skardu

Day 2: Skardu to Askole (3000m)

Day 3: Askole to Jhola (3200m)

Day 4: Jhola to Paiju (3450m)

Day 5: Acclimatization day at Paiju

Day 6: Paiju to Urdukas (4050m)

Day 7: Urdukas to Goro II (4500m)

Day 8: Goro II to Concordia (4650m)

Day 9: Trek to Gondogoro Base Camp (5000m)

Day 10-17: Summit Attempt and Descend

Day 18: Trek back to Askole

Day 19: Drive to Skardu

Day 20: Departure from Skardu

Terms and Conditions:

  • Before embarking on this challenging expedition, it’s crucial to understand the terms and conditions:

    • Participants must have prior mountaineering experience and be in excellent physical condition.
    • All participants must adhere to the instructions of the expedition leader and guides throughout the journey.
    • The itinerary is subject to change due to weather conditions, route conditions, or other unforeseen circumstances.
    • Participants are responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and insurance for the expedition.
    • The expedition organizers reserve the right to cancel or alter the itinerary for the safety and well-being of participants.

    Prepare to challenge your limits and witness the unparalleled beauty of the Karakoram as you embark on the Gondogoro Peak 5748m expedition. With its towering peaks, vast glaciers, and awe-inspiring landscapes, this journey promises to be an unforgettable adventure for those who dare to conquer the heights. Gear up, pack your determination, and get ready to write your own mountaineering story amidst the grandeur of the Karakoram.



What is Gondogoro Peak?

Gondogoro Peak is a prominent mountain located in the Karakoram Range of Pakistan, renowned for its stunning beauty and challenging climbing routes.


How high is Gondogoro Peak?

Gondogoro Peak stands at an elevation of approximately 5,940 meters (19,488 feet) above sea level.


Is Gondogoro Peak suitable for beginner climbers?

Gondogoro Peak is not recommended for beginner climbers due to its high altitude and technical climbing routes. It is better suited for experienced mountaineers with proper training and equipment.


What is the best time to climb Gondogoro Peak?

The ideal time to climb Gondogoro Peak is during the summer months, typically from June to August, when the weather is more stable and the climbing conditions are favourable.


Are there any permits required to climb Gondogoro Peak?

Yes, climbers are required to obtain permits from the local authorities before attempting to climb Gondogoro Peak. These permits help regulate climbing activities and ensure the safety of climbers.

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