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Deo Sai Plateo

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Nestled in the heart of the majestic Himalayas lies a hidden gem waiting to be explored – the Deo Sai Plateau. This untouched paradise boasts breathtaking landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and an adventure waiting at every turn. Embark on a journey like no other as we delve into the wonders of Deo Sai Plateau, offering you a glimpse into an adventure of a lifetime.

Tour Details

Discovering the Enchantment of Deo Sai Plateau

Deo Sai Plateau, situated in the northern regions of Pakistan, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventurers alike. This mesmerizing landscape, situated at an elevation of over 4,000 meters, is surrounded by towering peaks, pristine lakes, and lush meadows. The plateau is renowned for its rich biodiversity, housing a plethora of flora and fauna unique to this region.


Day 1Arrival in Skardu

Your journey begins with your arrival in Skardu, a picturesque town nestled amidst the Karakoram mountain range. You’ll be greeted by our friendly guides who will accompany you throughout your adventure.

Day 2Trek to Deo Sai Plateau

Embark on an exhilarating trek to Deo Sai Plateau, passing through enchanting forests and meandering streams. As you ascend higher, the panoramic views of the surrounding peaks will leave you in awe.

Day 3-4:Exploring the Plateau

Spend the next two days immersing yourself in the beauty of Deo Sai Plateau. Trek through vibrant meadows adorned with wildflowers, visit crystal-clear lakes, and witness the diverse wildlife that calls this plateau home.

Day 5: Return to Skardu

Bid farewell to Deo Sai Plateau as you descend back to Skardu. Take in the last glimpses of this paradise before returning to the comforts of civilization.

Terms and Conditions:

Booking and Payment

  • To secure your spot on the Deo Sai Plateau expedition, a non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking.

Full payment must be made prior to the commencement of the tour.

Cancellation Policy

  • In the event of cancellation, the deposit will not be refunded.

Cancellations made within 30 days of the tour will incur a 50% cancellation fee.

Health and Safety

  • Participants are required to be in good physical health and notify the tour operator of any medical conditions or dietary requirements.
  • Our experienced guides will ensure the safety of all participants throughout the expedition.


What is the Deosai Plateau?

The Deosai Plateau is a vast alpine plateau located in the northern part of Pakistan, primarily in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. It is one of the highest plateaus in the world, with an average elevation of over 4,000 meters above sea level. The plateau is known for its stunning natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and unique ecosystem.

When is the best time to visit the Deosai Plateau?

The best time to visit the Deosai Plateau is during the summer months, from June to September, when the plateau is accessible and the weather is relatively mild. During this time, the plateau comes alive with blooming flowers, lush green meadows, and abundant wildlife, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

How do I get to the Deosai Plateau?

The Deosai Plateau can be accessed by road from Skardu, the capital of Baltistan, or from Astore Valley. Both routes offer scenic drives through picturesque valleys and rugged mountain landscapes. Alternatively, you can embark on a trekking expedition to reach the plateau, following ancient trails and paths used by local nomadic tribes.

What activities can I enjoy on the Deosai Plateau?

On the Deosai Plateau, you can indulge in a variety of activities to immerse yourself in the pristine wilderness of the region. Popular activities include wildlife watching, birdwatching, trekking, camping, photography, and enjoying picnics amidst the stunning natural surroundings. The plateau is also home to several picturesque lakes, including Sheosar Lake, which offers opportunities for boating and fishing.

What wildlife can I expect to encounter on the Deosai Plateau?

The Deosai Plateau is renowned for its rich biodiversity and is home to a variety of wildlife species, including the Himalayan brown bear, ibex, snow leopard, Tibetan wolf, and numerous bird species. Wildlife enthusiasts have the chance to spot these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat while exploring the plateau.

Are there any accommodations available on the Deosai Plateau?

While there are limited accommodations available on the Deosai Plateau itself, nearby towns such as Skardu and Astore offer a range of lodging options, including hotels, guesthouses, and camping sites. Visitors can choose to stay overnight in these towns and embark on day trips to explore the plateau

Is it possible to visit the Deosai Plateau as part of a guided tour?

Yes, many tour operators offer guided tours to the Deosai Plateau, providing visitors with the opportunity to explore the region with the assistance of experienced guides. These tours typically include transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities, allowing travelers to make the most of their visit to this stunning wilderness destination

Now that you have answers to some of the most common questions about the Deosai Plateau, it’s time to plan your own adventure to this magical landscape. Whether you’re seeking serenity amidst nature or thrilling encounters with wildlife, the Deosai Plateau promises an unforgettable experience like no other.

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