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Cigrate Peak/Humbroq (6359-M)

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Embark on a thrilling expedition to Cigrate Peak, also known as Humbroq, towering at an impressive altitude of 6359 meters. Situated in the majestic Karakoram Range, this peak offers an unforgettable adventure for mountaineers seeking the ultimate challenge amidst stunning natural beauty.

Tour Background:

The journey to Cigrate Peak/Humbroq 6359m promises an exhilarating blend of adrenaline-pumping excitement and awe-inspiring natural wonders. Led by experienced guides and seasoned mountaineers, this expedition provides a unique opportunity to test your limits amidst some of the most breathtaking landscapes on Earth.


Day 1Arrival in Skardu

Your adventure begins in Skardu, the gateway to the Karakoram Range. Upon arrival, you’ll be warmly welcomed and introduced to your fellow adventurers. Take this day to rest and prepare for the epic journey ahead.

Day 2-5Skardu to Base Camp

Embark on a scenic drive through the rugged terrain, immersing yourself in the breathtaking landscapes as you make your way to the base camp of Cigrate Peak/Humbroq. Spend these days acclimatizing to the altitude and exploring the surrounding area.

Day 4-10Trek to Advanced Base Camp

Set out on a thrilling trek through diverse terrain, ascending steadily towards the advanced base camp. Along the way, marvel at the towering peaks, crystal-clear lakes, and pristine alpine meadows that adorn the landscape.

Day 11-17Summit Attempt

Gear up for the ultimate challenge as you begin your ascent towards the summit of Cigrate Peak/Humbroq. Navigate through snowfields and rocky ridges, relying on your strength and determination to conquer each obstacle in your path. With every step, you’ll inch closer to the pinnacle of achievement, where panoramic views of the Karakoram Range await.

Day 18-22Descent and Return to Skardu

With triumphant hearts and unforgettable memories, descend from the summit and retrace your steps back to base camp. Celebrate your conquest with newfound friends before bidding farewell to the majestic mountains and returning to Skardu.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Physical Fitness: Participants must be in good physical condition and able to endure strenuous physical activity at high altitudes.
  • Equipment: Proper mountaineering gear and equipment are essential for the expedition. Participants are responsible for ensuring they have all necessary items before departure.
  • Safety: The safety of our participants is our top priority. Experienced guides will accompany the group at all times, and thorough safety protocols will be followed throughout the expedition.
  • Weather Conditions: The itinerary is subject to change based on weather and mountain conditions. Flexibility and adaptability are essential for a successful summit attempt.
  • Insurance: Participants are required to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers mountaineering activities and emergency medical evacuation.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Respect for the environment and local communities is paramount. Participants must adhere to Leave No Trace principles and follow all guidelines provided by the expedition leaders.

Join us on an unforgettable journey to conquer the heights and experience the unparalleled beauty of Cigrate Peak/Humbroq 6359m. Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Sign up today and make your mark on the world’s most majestic mountains!



What is Cigrate Peak/Humbroq?

Cigrate Peak, also known as Humbroq, is a prominent mountain peak located in the northern areas of Pakistan, specifically in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. It is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and challenging trekking routes.


How tall is Cigrate Peak/Humbroq?

Cigrate Peak stands at an elevation of approximately 5,650 meters (18,537 feet) above sea level, making it one of the notable peaks in the region.


Is Cigrate Peak/Humbroq suitable for trekking?

Yes, Cigrate Peak/Humbroq offers various trekking opportunities for adventure enthusiasts. However, it’s essential to have prior trekking experience and be adequately prepared for the challenging terrain and high altitude.


What is the best time to trek to Cigrate Peak/Humbroq?

The best time to trek to Cigrate Peak/Humbroq is during the summer months, from June to August. During this period, the weather is generally favourable, and the trails are more accessible. However, weather conditions can vary, so it’s advisable to check local forecasts before planning your trek.


Are there any safety precautions to consider while trekking to Cigrate Peak/Humbroq?

Yes, safety precautions are crucial when trekking to Cigrate Peak/Humbroq. It’s essential to acclimatize properly to the high altitude, stay hydrated, and be equipped with appropriate gear, including sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, and emergency supplies. Additionally, hiring a knowledgeable guide and informing others of your trekking plans can enhance safety during the journey.

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