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Chilim Joshi Festival Trips

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Embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of tradition and festivity with the Chilim Joshi Festival. Nestled in the scenic landscapes of Pakistan, this cultural extravaganza promises a captivating blend of colors, music, and rituals that will leave you spellbound. Let’s delve into the essence of this remarkable festival and discover how you can be a part of this enriching experience.

Tour Details

The Chilim Joshi Festival is an annual celebration held in the Kalash Valley of Chitral, Pakistan. Renowned for its unique cultural heritage, the Kalash community, comprising indigenous tribes, welcomes visitors from around the globe to partake in their age-old traditions. The festival typically occurs in May and marks  of spring, symbolizing renewal and abundance.


Day 1Arrival in Islamabad

Your journey begins with your arrival in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. You will be greeted by our representatives, who will assist you with the transfer to your hotel. Spend the day relaxing and acclimatizing to the cultural ambiance of the region.

Day 2Islamabad to Chitral

After breakfast, we embark on a scenic flight to Chitral, offering breathtaking views of the majestic Hindu Kush mountain range. Upon arrival, we will transfer to our accommodations in the Kalash Valley, where you will be immersed in the charm of the local culture.

Day 3-5: Chilim Joshi Festival

Prepare to be mesmerized as the festivities of the Chilim Joshi Festival unfold before your eyes. From traditional dances to vibrant costumes, each day is filled with cultural performances and rituals that showcase the rich heritage of the Kalash community. Engage with locals, indulge in delicious cuisine, and capture unforgettable moments amidst the picturesque backdrop of the valley.

Day 6: Exploration and Farewell

As our time in the Kalash Valley comes to an end, we take the opportunity to explore the surrounding areas, visiting historical landmarks and natural wonders. Bid farewell to this enchanting land as we make our way back to Islamabad for your onward journey.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Booking: To secure your spot on the Chilim Joshi Festival trip, a non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking.
  • Payment: Full payment must be made prior to the departure date. Payment plans may be available upon request.
  • Cancellation: In the event of cancellation, refunds are subject to the terms outlined in our cancellation policy.
  • Travel Insurance: It is strongly recommended that all participants obtain comprehensive travel insurance to cover any unforeseen circumstances.
  • Health and Safety: Participants are responsible for ensuring they are in good health and fit to travel. Any medical conditions or dietary requirements should be communicated prior to the trip.
  • Itinerary Changes: While we endeavor to adhere to the proposed itinerary, unforeseen circumstances may require adjustments to be made. Flexibility and understanding are appreciated from all participants.


What is the Chilim Joshi Festival?

The Chilim Joshi Festival is a cultural event celebrated in the Kalash Valley of Pakistan. It marks the arrival of spring and is a time for community gatherings, traditional dances, and rituals.


When does the Chilim Joshi Festival usually take place?

The Chilim Joshi Festival typically occurs in May, coinciding with the blooming of spring flowers in the Kalash Valley. However, specific dates may vary each year.


What activities can I expect during the Chilim Joshi Festival?

Visitors to the Chilim Joshi Festival can enjoy a variety of cultural performances, including traditional dances, music, and rituals performed by the Kalash community. There are also opportunities to sample local cuisine and participate in festive games and activities.


How can I reach the Kalash Valley for the Chilim Joshi Festival?

The Kalash Valley is located in the Chitral District of Pakistan. Visitors can travel by road from major cities like Islamabad or Peshawar to reach the valley. It’s advisable to plan transportation in advance, as roads in the region may be challenging, especially during the festival season.


What types of accommodation are available during the Chilim Joshi Festival?

 Accommodation options in the Kalash Valley during the Chilim Joshi Festival range from guesthouses and homestays to camping sites. It’s recommended to book accommodation well in advance, as the festival attracts a significant number of visitors.

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