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Amin Brakk

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Nestled within the captivating embrace of the Karakoram Range lies a formidable challenge waiting to be conquered – Amin Brakk. Rising majestically to an elevation of 5,850 meters (19,193 feet), this iconic peak offers a thrilling adventure for mountaineers and adventurers alike. Join us as we unravel the allure of Amin Brakk, presenting an enticing blend of tour background, exhilarating itinerary, and essential terms and conditions.


Amin Brakk, also known as “The Great Tower,” stands as a testament to the raw beauty and challenge of high-altitude climbing. Located in the Biafo Glacier region of Pakistan, this granite monolith has long captivated the imagination of climbers with its sheer walls and rugged terrain. Named after the legendary mountaineer Amin Ullah Baig, Amin Brakk offers a thrilling expedition into the heart of the Karakoram, promising breathtaking views and unforgettable memories.


Day 1Arrival in Islamabad

Day 2 Islamabad to Skardu

Day 3Skardu to Askoli

Day 4-6Trek to Amin Brakk Base Camp

Day 7-21 Climbing Expedition (Summit Attempts)

Day 22-24Descent to Askoli and Return to Islamabad

Terms and Conditions:

  • Physical Fitness: Participants must undergo a medical examination to ensure they are physically fit for high-altitude climbing.
  • Experience: Prior experience in mountaineering and technical climbing is highly recommended.
  • Equipment: All climbers must carry appropriate gear, including helmets, harnesses, crampons, and ropes.
  • Safety Protocols: Participants must adhere to safety guidelines and instructions provided by experienced guides.
  • Environmental Conservation: Respect for the environment is paramount. Participants must minimize their impact on the fragile ecosystem and adhere to Leave No Trace principles.

Embark on this extraordinary journey with a reputable tour operator, equipped with experienced guides, top-notch equipment, and a commitment to safety. Prepare to challenge yourself, push your limits, and experience the thrill of standing atop one of the Karakoram’s most iconic peaks – Amin Brakk.



What is Amin Brakk?

 Amin Brakk is a majestic granite peak located in the Karakoram mountain range in Pakistan.


How tall is Amin Brakk?

Amin Brakk stands at an elevation of approximately 5,850 meters (19,193 feet) above sea level.


Is Amin Brakk popular among climbers?

Yes, Amin Brakk is renowned among climbers for its challenging rock climbing routes and stunning alpine scenery.


When is the best time to climb Amin Brakk?

The optimal time to climb Amin Brakk is typically during the summer months, from June to August, when the weather is more favourable and the climbing conditions are better.


Are there established routes for climbing Amin Brakk?

Yes, there are several established routes for climbing Amin Brakk, catering to climbers of varying skill levels. However, climbers should always exercise caution and ensure they are adequately prepared for the challenges of the climb.

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