05816 481708 Info@karakoramtours.com


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05816 481708 Info@karakoramtours.com


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After creating an account, you'll be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
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Trekking Peaks

Andaq Peak

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Leaker Peak

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Khosro Gang Peak 6046m

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Farhat Peak

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Fati Peak

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Bondid Peak 5948m

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Nangma valley Mountains 

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Neza Peak

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Pastoro Peak climb 6209m

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]

Milingsar Peak

Prepare for an extraordinary expedition to conquer the heights of Mitre Peak 6025m, a […]
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