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05816 481708 Info@karakoramtours.com


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About Us


Karakoram Tours Pakistan (KTP) Running by Mr. Manzoor Ahmad.

We are glad that you choose to open our (KTP) website.

Our unique approach to travel allows you to decide whether you prefer a structured escorted itinerary or an independent exploration with an opportunity to custom-design your own tour. In both cases you will find a memorial trip with KTP in the marvelous mountain of Pakistan. We strongly believe in delivering the highest standards of services to our clients. Let give a try.


Manzoor Ahmad ( Managing Director)

Was born in a remote village of Kanday in District Ghangche, Balitstan. He completed his early education from his native village. From his childhood, Manzoor developed keen interest to meet and work with foreign tourists visiting the area. After he finished his school in 2000. In 2002 he started his career as Assistant Cook, then as a Chef and finally as Guide and Organizer. 

Now he has been organizing different kind of trip mountaineering, Trekking, especially expert to dealing of winter Expedition. The past year’s of 2011 and 2012 he join as base camp organizer with the Russian winter Expedition for K-2. And the recent year of 2013 he join with Spanish winter Expedition for Lela Peak as well.

Experience in wilderness trips. He is not only familiar with all trekking routes in Karakoram Range but also has discovered new routes and short treks in the mountain valleys of Balitstan. His enthusiasm and will power has led him to establish his own Agency so that he could better utilize his expertise for the promotion of Adventure Tourism in the region, which the local population may benefit from. Beside his expertise as an Adventure Organizer, Mr. Manzoor Ahmad is a very active for the concern field.

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