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Trich Mir Base camp Trek

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Embark on an adventure of a lifetime as we delve into the breathtaking journey of the Trich Mir Base Camp Trek. Nestled in the heart of the majestic Hindu Kush mountain range, this trek offers an unparalleled experience for avid adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. With its awe-inspiring landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and challenging trails, the Trich Mir Base Camp Trek promises an unforgettable expedition into the wilderness of Pakistan.

Tour Background:

The Trich Mir Base Camp Trek takes its name from the towering Trich Mir peak, the highest mountain in the Hindu Kush range, standing proudly at 7,708 meters above sea level. This expedition not only offers stunning views of this iconic peak but also introduces trekkers to the enchanting beauty of the surrounding valleys, lush forests, and alpine meadows.


Day 1Arrival in Islamabad

Day 2Travel to Chitral

Day 3Trek to Birmoghlasht

Day 4Trek to Chikar

Day 5Trek to Trich Mir Base Camp

Day 6 Exploration Day at Trich Mir Base Camp

Day 7: Trek back to Chikar

Day 8: Trek back to Chitral




Day 9: Return to Islamabad

Terms and Conditions:

Before embarking on this adventure, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions:

  • Participants must be in good physical condition and have prior trekking experience.
  • All participants must follow the instructions of the trek leader and guides at all times.
  • The tour operator reserves the right to alter the itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions or other factors beyond their control.
  • Participants are responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documents, including visas and permits.
  • The tour operator is not liable for any injuries, losses, or damages incurred during the trek.


 What is the best time to undertake the Trich Mir Base Camp Trek?

 The best time to trek is during the summer months from June to August when the weather is favorable and the trails are accessible.


Is altitude sickness a concern on this trek?

Altitude sickness can be a concern due to the high altitude of the trek. It’s essential to acclimatize properly and stay hydrated throughout the journey.


Are porters available to carry luggage?

Yes, porters can be arranged upon request to carry luggage during the trek for an additional fee.


What kind of accommodation can I expect during the trek?

 Accommodation during the trek will mainly consist of tents at designated campsites along the trail. Basic facilities will be provided.

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