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Fairy Meadow side Base camp Trek

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Prepare to be spellbound by the ethereal beauty of Fairy Meadows as you embark on a trek to the base camp of Nanga Parbat. This adventure promises to take you through lush meadows, dense forests, and awe-inspiring landscapes, offering an unforgettable experience for adventurers of all levels. Let’s delve into the details of this enchanting trek, including the tour background, itinerary, terms and conditions, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Tour Background:

Fairy Meadows, nestled in the shadow of Nanga Parbat, is a paradise on Earth known for its pristine beauty and breathtaking views. This trek offers adventurers a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in the natural wonders of the Himalayas while witnessing the majestic splendor of one of the world’s tallest peaks. As you traverse through picturesque valleys and verdant meadows, you’ll be captivated by the tranquility and serenity of this magical destination.


Day 1Arrival in Islamabad

Day 2 Islamabad to Chilas

Day 3Chilas to Fairy Meadows

Day 4Fairy Meadows to Beyal Camp

Day 5 Beyal Camp to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Day 6 Nanga Parbat Base Camp (Acclimatization Day)

Day 7: Nanga Parbat Base Camp to Beyal Camp

Day 8: Beyal Camp to Fairy Meadows

Day 9: Fairy Meadows to Chilas

Day 10: Chilas to Islamabad

Day 11: Departure from Islamabad

Terms and Conditions:

  • Participants must be in good physical condition and capable of trekking at high altitudes.
  • All participants are required to follow the instructions provided by the trek leader and adhere to safety protocols at all times.
  • The tour package includes accommodation, meals, transportation, and permits as outlined in the itinerary.
  • Any additional expenses, such as personal gear, medical emergencies, or optional activities, will be the responsibility of the participant.
  • The itinerary is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions.
  • Participants are advised to obtain travel insurance and necessary permits before embarking on the trek.


Is prior trekking experience required for the Fairy Meadow Side Base Camp Trek?

While prior trekking experience is not mandatory, participants should have a reasonable level of fitness and be prepared for long days of hiking at high altitudes.


What is the best time of year to undertake this trek?


The ideal time for the Fairy Meadow Side Base Camp Trek is during the summer months (June to August) when the weather is milder, and the trails are more accessible.


Are guides and porters provided during the trek?

Yes, experienced guides and porters will accompany the group throughout the trek to assist with navigation, carry equipment, and ensure the safety of all participants.


What type of accommodation can be expected during the trek?

Accommodation options range from comfortable guesthouses in Islamabad and Chilas to basic camping facilities at Fairy Meadows and Beyal Camp, providing a blend of comfort and immersion in the natural surroundings.

Day 5Trek to Jola

It’s market day in Lausanne! Enjoy browsing and packing a picnic lunch for our 11 a.m. boat cruise on Lake Geneva. A few miles down-shore we’ll dock at Château de Chillon, where we’ll have a guided tour of this delightfully medieval castle on the water. On our way back we’ll take time to peek into the vineyards surrounding Lutry before returning to Lausanne. Boat: 2 hrs. Bus: 1 hr. Walking: moderate.

Day 6Trek to Paiyu

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