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Karakoram Green Travers Treks

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Prepare to embark on an eco-friendly adventure through the breathtaking landscapes of the Karakoram Range—the Karakoram Green Travers Treks. Dive into the lush green valleys, crystal-clear rivers, and majestic peaks as you explore some of Pakistan’s most scenic and environmentally sustainable trekking routes. Join us as we unravel the beauty and eco-consciousness of the Karakoram Green Travers Treks.

Tour Details

The Karakoram Green Travers Treks are a testament to the harmony between adventure and environmental conservation. Named for their commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the Karakoram region, these treks offer participants a unique opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes while minimizing their ecological footprint. With a focus on sustainable practices and responsible tourism, the Karakoram Green Travers Treks promise an unforgettable journey through some of the world’s most pristine environments.


Day 1 Arrival in Islamabad

Day 2Drive to Skardu

Day 3 Acclimatization in Skardu

Day 4Drive to Askole

Day 5-10: Trek to Paiju Campsite

Day 11-15: Explore Paiju and surrounding green valleys

Day 16-20: Trek to Urdukas Campsite

Day 21-25: Trek to Concordia and K2 Base Camp

Day 26-30: Return trek to Askole and drive back to Skardu

Day 31: Flight back to Islamabad

Day 32: Departure from Islamabad

Terms and Conditions:

  • Leave No Trace: Participants are expected to follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize their impact on the environment.
  • Responsible Tourism: Respect local customs, traditions, and wildlife. Do not litter or disturb natural habitats.
  • Sustainable Practices: Use reusable water bottles, avoid single-use plastics, and support local businesses and communities.
  • Safety Measures: Our experienced guides prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants. Follow their instructions at all times.
  • Insurance: Participants must have travel insurance covering trekking and emergency medical evacuation.
  • Cancellation Policy: Please refer to our detailed cancellation policy for information on refunds and cancellations.

Embark on this eco-conscious adventure with the assurance of professional guidance, unparalleled experiences, and memories that will last a lifetime. Immerse yourself in the lush green landscapes of the Karakoram Range and leave behind only footprints while taking away memories to cherish forever.



What is the Karakoram Green Travers Treks?

The Karakoram Green Travers Treks are a series of trekking routes located in the Karakoram mountain range, renowned for their stunning natural beauty and challenging terrain. 

When is the best time to embark on the Karakoram Green Travers Treks?

The optimal time for undertaking the Karakoram Green Travers Treks is typically during the summer months, from June to August. During this period, the weather is generally more favourable, and the trails are more accessible

What level of fitness is required for the Karakoram Green Travers Treks?

The Karakoram Green Travers Treks vary in difficulty, but generally, a moderate level of fitness is required. Participants should be able to walk for several hours a day over uneven terrain and be prepared for changes in altitude. 

Are there any risks associated with trekking the Karakoram Green Travers Treks?

Yes, there are inherent risks associated with trekking in mountainous terrain, including altitude sickness, inclement weather, and the potential for accidents. It’s essential to be adequately prepared, follow safety guidelines, and listen to the advice of experienced guides. 

What type of accommodation can I expect during the Karakoram Green Travers Treks?

Accommodation during the Karakoram Green Travers Treks typically includes camping in tents at designated campsites along the trail. Basic facilities such as sleeping bags and meals may be provided as part of trekking packages.

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